Landlords are usually busy people. If you are looking for advice and guidance on the risks you face as a landlord and how to cover some of them with insurance, then probably the last thing you feel inclined to do is start trudging around the high-street. The good news is that today, wearing through the sole of your shoes isn’t necessary. There are specialist insurance providers offering landlords insurance online – and they are easy to find.
What services do they offer? The first thing they can do is to help you understand is the nature of your rental business from a risk and exposures point of view. That may sound blindingly obvious and perhaps even unnecessary. Surely nobody understands your business and its risks better than you do?
That may be true but it may not be. Landlords insurance is a specialised and sometimes complicated area that involves insurance technicalities as well as legal issues.
Adequate protection
Adiquate landlords insurance protection, to give some illustrations of this: although most landlords understand that their property should be insured against natural disasters and accidents, perhaps rather fewer appreciate that they are legally accountable for accidents to tenants or the visitors of tenants, that take place on their property. Some landlords may not fully appreciate that contents such as furnishings may need to be explicitly covered by a policy or that they need to be sure their policy also covers the property when it is standing empty between rentals or while under refurbishment.
It’s also the case that some of the traditional hazards landlords have often accepted as ‘part of life’ such as tenants that maliciously damage the property or that vanish leaving large rent arrears, can also be covered by insurance.
Once the specialist provider has understood the risks you face they can then use their expertise to find the product that is right for you and at the best price possible. The best way to start this process is through looking around at the websites of the specialist providers of landlords insurance online. Their sites usually contain a mine of useful information and a follow-up phone call can clarify the specifics of what they can do for you in your particular situation.
Having this an insurance can guarantee you a great business for all the time.